Closed until next Season

Agua Linda Pool is currently closed until the beginning of the next swimming season (April 2023). Keep any eye out however for some e-mails as well as letter communications from the Agua Linda Board regarding some decisions that will need to be made before the beginning of the next season. The next General Meeting will be held in March 2023; check the members only section for updates! Happy Holidays!

Opening Day!

Dear Members,

The swim season is almost here! I wanted to share a few last-minute reminders before we open this Saturday, April 16. 

ยท      Pool hours are 9 am to 9 pm daily. Changes or closures because of unforeseen circumstances will be announced via email and on this web site. (This message is continued in the Members Only section.)

Annual Meeting Follow Up

Dear Friends,

Thanks to everyone who attended the Annual Meeting on Saturday. I apologize to our Zoom attendees who could not hear all the speakers. Not only is conducting a “hybrid” meeting difficult in itself, but we had prepared to hold it in another building at the church, and only found out at the last minute that we had been moved to the sanctuary. We’re grateful to everyone who “hung-in” and made the meeting a success.

The main thrust of the meeting was the state of the pool, and the election of officers for 2022-24. 

Considering the difficulties of the past few years, our pool is strong in facilities, finances, and membership. A new roof was installed on our building, among other improvements; we have solid balances in all of our accounts; and we are fully subscribed with 120 members and about 15 on the waiting list.  (See slide presentation for full details.) 

The main action was the election of Board officers for 2022: Web Newbold, President; Kim De Alba as Facilities Maintenance Coordinator; and Denise Senft, Vice President. The term for Vice President is being reconfigured to allow staggering of the terms for president and vice president; thus, Denise was elected for one year only, with the election of vice president for a regular term to be held next year. The names, responsibilities, and contact information for all Board members can be found via “Contact Agua Linda Officers” on the Members’ Only web site tab. (The site will be updated soon.)

Other news:  

Facilities Engineer Brian Sowers was recognized by a resolution of appreciation from the Board for his many hours of work on projects this winter–the new roof, rebuilding the solar heating units, and new wiring for the entry gate locks among other tasks. 

The Board decided that we would continue with the regular guest policy, and that pool parties could again be held. The Rules and Regulations provide detailed guidelines.

Hoping to see everyone at the pool,


Opening Day: April 16

A reminder that the 2022 Agua Linda Swimming season will start on April 16, 2022. Until then, the pool remains closed. Also, this year the work party to set-up the pool for the season is on Saturday, April 9, 2022; contact Kim (Facilities Maintenance officer), Carly (Groundskeeper), or Brian (Facilities Engineer) to find out what projects need help. Gate Guard Sign-ups are available.